Monthly Archives: May 2009

Chinese skycraperIn this very special one hour episode, Keram interviews his own flesh-and-blood sister Vanessa on a stopover to Los Angeles during the course of an amazing journey that has taken her from a four-day trek along the Inca Trail to the ancient and magical cloud city of Machu Pichu in Peru to the polluted and technologically advanced cities of the Canton province in China and its wonders untold for a series of tech conventions.

Keram and co-host Aimee Lynn Chadwick hear from Vanessa about unlocking the codes of textiles from one region of the world to another, how the loom is the precursor to the laptop, the critical differences between natural and synthetic fibers and dyes, the lake of floating islands in Peru powered by solar panels, the latest subversive street art  from Hong Kong and China, the semiotics of fashion and so much more.

Join the KeramCast on this amazing voyage of discovery and insight.

Please email us your questions and feedback. We will read all letters.

Download Episode Seventeen now!

Segway based Steadicam at NAB 2009 The end of the Boston Globe, one of America’s oldest newspapers, comes at the same time as Amazon announces the sequel to its digital book reader the Kindle DX.  Aimee returns from Boston and reports on the Virgin airlines experience.  Free Realms, Sony’s new free online MMORPG launches.

Diane Sutter receives a Leadership award for her Broadcast Leadership Program which trains women and minorities how to purchase and run their own broadcast network.  The latest Mo-Cap technology from the Jim Henson Creature Workshop and how it’s used in Sid the Science Kid, the Flip Mino, the Steadicam Segway, the Nokia ultra-portable device that runs Google’s Android, the new forums at and the importance of building community around your brand – all this and more is discussed in this super-packed new episode of the KeramCast.

Please email us your questions and feedback. We will read all letters.

Download Episode Sixteen!